She Needs You To Get Over It

She Needs You To Get Over It

She Needs You To Get Over It

[vc_section][vc_row miscellaneous=”true” gaps=”remove-gap” remove_bottom=”remove-bottom”][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]More often than we know it, our answer when asked how we feel is that we are fine, whether the whole world can see how bad we are feeling or it’s only within us. It has become like a default answer and keeping this within actually does more harm than good. Yes, suffering from postpartum depression is not a death sentence and definitely not worth being silent about. There is a need to speak up, but who would the concerned mother talk to in the first place?

Is there something you can do? Yes! There is something everybody can do. In your own little way, you can help her get over it. Here’s how.

Let’s say you’re her husband. You know the woman you married, the girl with the cheerful spirit and right before your eyes, just after the birth of your child, the fire you once saw in her eyes are all blown out. You wonder why. Dear husband, you shouldn’t view her with disgust and wonder what changed, after all, no woman would switch up on her own child all of a sudden. Now is the time to be more understanding. She would need your understanding more than any other thing and here’s why.

To begin, she doesn’t understand herself anymore. Most times, she is in a state of confusion so she needs to see proof that even if it seems like the world is falling apart right within her, you understand and care. Yes, it can be hard, but with patience, she would get better. Never forget that Postpartum is only a phase. This too will pass.

Expect changes, you might return from work to meet the house the way you left it. People who suffer from Postpartum depression battle with a sense of helplessness. Yes, it happens. It would never be the time to make her see how useless she is. It would only get worse. For that period, you should consider having someone around to help out with basic chores.

Imagine you’re a relative or friend. It may be difficult to see your friend change so much. You can hardly connect and when you try to, it ends with her seriously weeping. You may begin to feel that it would be best to let these ones alone for a while. Distancing yourself from mothers suffering from postpartum depression is not the best thing to do. Constant exposure to people has proved to be a factor leading to a quick recovery. Yes, she needs you around even more, even if you have nothing to say, just sit and hold her hands or listen to her talk. Help her see that you value her. She needs your commendation even when she accomplishes seemly little tasks. In time, she would value your helping hand.

Yes, mothers who survived postpartum depression deeply appreciate those who stood by them during their struggle. Always remember that it is a fight that can be won. She can get over it with your help.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][/vc_section]

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