Seeing Your Postpartum Body For All Its Glory.

Seeing Your Postpartum Body For All Its Glory.

Seeing Your Postpartum Body For All Its Glory.

Seeing Your Postpartum Body For All Its Glory.


Do you see an ad come up on TV and you physically cringe because the woman looks like a model? Or you go on Instagram and you see how a woman was able to snap back her body six weeks after childbirth?. Then you sit, looking at your tummy with the folds and stretch marks wondering when will you be able to “snap back” . Comparing your postpartum body to another woman’s is a disservice to your own body. You should not put undue pressure on yourself just because you want to be like other women, you have to understand that your journey is different and your body is different.

Honour your body, honour where you are right now, honour your healing process. See your body in all it’s glory , see it for all that it is – Strong and capable. The most important postpartum mindset shift that needs to happen around how you see your postpartum body is this: It’s not about snapping back, it’s about figuring out how to move through each day in this NEW body that you’re currently in today.

Want to see your body positively?, try the following;

– Journal: Write out positive affirmations about your body and read it to yourself daily. For example: I honour my body.
I see my body for all its strength and beauty.

– Understand that numbers on a scale do not determine your self worth. You are enough just as you are.

– Feed your body right : to honour your body eat healthy , not because you want to snap back but because you understand your body is a temple and you treat it right.

– Move around often and do the things you love to do not because you want to force your body to conform to a certain shape but because it will nourish your body, as well as keep your mind relaxed.

– Take one day at a time , it’s a process. Be content with where you are right now, don’t punish your body. See your body for all its glory.

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